that reports on the stability of our electrical generation and transmission systems.
The report to say the least was less then stellar. The past 6 years as a matter of fact have been sub par as well
The grade issued was a "D"
I'm sure that everyone remembers August of 2003 when America suffered the largest black out to date. Of course this event happened shortly after the devastation of 9-11. The immediate assumption by every coherent mined person in the country and I'm sure the plant was "they got us again". What was going on never before had we felt so vulnerable on so many different levels.
The Us electrical grid is basically split into 3 grids. Which consists of nearly 160,000 miles of high-voltage (230 kilovolts and greater) transmission lines
The new studies conclude that not much has changed for the status we have grown to find acceptable. Some of the key points of the study include
- California is expected to suffer nearly 3 times as many brown outs this year as compared to last
- With in 10 years the countries electrical supply facilities is expected to grow by 10 % the demand for electricity is expected to grow by 20%
- Nearly half of the countries electricity is produced by coal burning generation facilities. In order to keep up with the rising demand more energy needs to be produced. Last year 59 potential plants were scrapped because of the environmental concerns of burning coal.
Contractor Energy Management
Matthew Shields